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"Listen, my armor seems to not be working for some reason so, could you run along and get some help?"
Anthony Stark to Peter Parker

Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 5: Spider-Man and Iron Man Part 2
Release Date August 2001
Writer Brian Michael Bendis
Artist Mike Allred

Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 5: Spider-Man and Iron Man is the fifth Ultimate Marvel Team-Up and features Anthony Stark's origin story.


With his cousin Morgan Stark, Antonio Stark lands in Guatemala on a plane, but is captured by extremists. In present day, Stark recognizes Peter Parker's name, and tells him to get help from the flying soldiers attacking. As Peter rushes off, soldiers pick up the injured Stark in malfunctioning Iron Man army who remembers being imprisoned with Morgan. Peter becomes Spider-Man and attacks the flying soldiers, but this makes them drop Stark into the water. In the past, the Red Devil terrorist group led by Jesus Hayek orders Stark to hand over technologies he was going to give Guatemala's government and kills Morgan. Peter is thrown in the water and swims after his mask as Stark remembers developing repulser technology for Hayek and escaping with the other passengers. Stark's Iron Man army reactivates as he defeats the soldiers and thanks Spider-Man before flying off. Golog complains to Nick Fury that he did not get Iron Man armor and Fury rushes him out of his site.


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Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 4: Spider-Man and Iron Man Part 1 Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 5: Spider-Man and Iron Man Part 2 Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 6: Spider-Man and the Punisher