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"I just wish you were awake to see all your hopes and dreams go up and smoke like this Charlie-boy."
John Wraith

Ultimate X-Men 8: First Strike
Release Date September 2001
Writer Mark Millar
Artist Adam Kubert

Ultimate X-Men 8: First Strike was the eighth Ultimate X-Men issue, continuing the Weapon X story arc.


James Howlett and Scott Summers go to the base of Piotr Rasputin's former mafia bosses, and make sure that they will not threaten his family. As they drive away after the fight, Summers express his displeasure with Howlett's methods, but ensures Howlett that they will stay in touch as Howlett goes after Weapon X. In Upstate New York, Ororo Munroe tests her flying powers on a date with Henry McCoy. Bobby Drake returns from vacation with his parents, and Charles Xavier detects that he told a girlfriend about the Xavier Institute for Gifted Children, and he and Jean Gray wipe his girlfriend and Drake's minds of each other. Drake talks to Rasputin when John Wraith and Weapon X arrive and Cain Marko subdues most of the X-Men. Victor Creed goes in and takes care of McCoy, as Kurt Wagner subdues Summers. Drake freezes Wraith's soldiers, but Marian Carlyle uses Gray's powers to put Drake in a painful appendix surgery from his childhood. Wraith is disappointed Howlett had left by the time Weapon X arrived, he's glad to have taken out the X-Men and destroyed Xavier's school.


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Ultimate X-Men 7: Return to Weapon X Ultimate X-Men 8: First Strike Ultimate X-Men 9: No Safe Haven